The RegMed project is developing the public database and open source software for open science. We produce the platform that supports the open academic data towards a data-driven science, it is especially the platform of OpenTein (Open Teratoma Investigation ), OpenIAV (Open Image Annotation Viewer) and OpenSOP (Open Standard Operating Procedure) as open source tools. do you join us in an open science era using the regmed software?
OpenTein (Open Teratoma Investigation) is a searchable, zoomable and annotatable web-based repository system that enables to archive and freely distribute high-resolution whole-slide images and relevant records for the stem cell-derived teratoma formation assay.
OpenIAV (Open Image Annotation Viewer) is a Web-based image annotation tool. It can store a high-resolution figure, and view scale-free slide smooth. This tool includes a rich user interface for graphical annotation such as a shape of a line, circle, rectangle, and color pallet. Additionally you can describe a annotated information for an image as metadata.
OpenSOP (Open Standard Operating Procedure) is a novel Web application platform for SOP management, it structured by the SOP server and the SOP client on the Web for a tablet PC such as an iPad. In life science and biomedical field, a researcher, medical doctor needs an SOP software that consider a cleanroom use for planning an experimental method.